Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wayne State Tour

Due to the snow days... our Wayne State Tour for seniors has been delayed. We will post the rescheduled date ASAP.
ONLY seniors for this one...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reality Store

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers in the community MHS held a Reality Store.
What is a reality store?

Reality Store is financial simulation where high school students choose careers and make decisions about their budgets and lifestyles. The activity is a fun and effective way for students to learn about personal accounting, financial responsibility and life choices and interact with business people.

The project involves 20-plus local business volunteers. Students receive “paychecks” and random information regarding individual marital status and parenthood. Volunteers staff stations around the media center.

Stations include taxes, financial institution, real estate, apartment rentals, apparel, car dealer, credit cards, day care, gasoline, charities, memberships, entertainment, “fate,” gasoline, government, grocery store, insurance, investments, household products, phone company, cable TV and utilities. (Schools determine their own stations.) Students visit the stations, write checks and balance their checkbooks. Upon completion, they assess their decisions and financial status.

Photos coutesy of Benjamin Rathbun

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

U of D Tour

Will be November 10th...
I need slips back by the end of the week.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Krystal's Beaumont experience

Saturday Series at Beaumont:

When I went to Saturday Series it was a good experience. It also gave me a clearer understanding on the field I am trying to go into when I graduate. The people were very helpful. Also it got me more prepared for college as to what I need to do to achieve more and get to the spot I want to be successfully. I hope for more programs like this to get me prepared and aware. I thank Mrs Mueller and all the nurses and helpers in the Saturday Series.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Valerie's Beaumont experience

The Saturday program at Beaumont was really helpful and helped me understand all the priorities of a nurse and the different opportunities they have. The Nurses were really nice and were willing to answer any questions. I would recommend this to anybody who wants to work in a medical field or is confused about what career they want to go into.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

True Colors

We are doing True Colors with the US History classes this week.

A chance for our 10th and 11th graders to find out how to work better with people who work differently than themselves. This is a program that many schools and businesses use to help their employees increase output and working relations. We had a representative volunteer her time for a full day this week, it should be fun.

From their website:
True Colors™ is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament. The colors of Orange, Green, Blue and Gold are used to differentiate the four central personality styles of True Colors™.

Each of us has a combination of these True Colors that make up our personality spectrum, usually with one of the styles being the most dominant.
Identifying your personality and the personalities of others using True Colors provides you with insights into different motivations, actions and communication approaches.

True Colors works because it is based on true principles and easy to remember and use – in all kinds of circumstances – from personal relationships to professional success.

"Successful people know who they are and what their True Colors are... when you know what your core values and needs are and feel good about them, you can perform at your highest potential in every area of life. And when you share a working, mutual understanding of other’ core values and needs, you have the basis to communicate, motivate, and achieve common goals with utmost dignity, efficacy, and mutual respect."

Monday, October 4, 2010

CMU scholarship

Mr Chapman has scholarship info for you if you have over a 3.0 and are aimed to go to CMU.
Leadership Scholarship.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Homecoming 2010

Madison Eagles show their school spirit!

Spirit week starts Friday Oct 8th with the classes proudly wearing their class colors:
Freshman – fuchsia
Sophomores – green
Juniors – Yellow
Seniors – Caribbean blue

The following spirit days are:
Oct 11: Purple and Gold day
Oct 12: Pajama day
Oct 13: Costume day
Oct 14: College day
Oct 15: Formal day

Don't miss out on any Homecoming action!

Thursday Oct 14th at 4 pm: POWDERPUFF football… Seniors vs. Juniors. Watch
the girls duke it out at the MHS stadium. Come and support MHS!
Friday Oct 15th at 7pm: Homecoming game!!
Madison plays St. Clair. Come and cheer our Eagles to victory!
Class floats will be shown at half time. The theme this year is Fairytales…
Saturday Oct 16th: Homecoming dance
7-11p.m. at Wilkinson Middle School

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Physics class to compete in egg drop

This year on October 22nd Madison High School Physics students will be competing in University of Detroit – Mercy’s 20th Annual Technology Discovery Day.
Students will have an opportunity to see a variety of displays from the science and engineering students at the University. Our students will be participating in the Egg Drop.
Mr. Mueller and the class are mathematically figuring out how to make a contraption using only straws, tape, tissue and paper. Students will drop their eggs from 40 feet.
Students will also see a Chemistry Magic show and displays from companies who want to talk to students about job opportunities in the field of science and engineering.
It will be an all day event. The 30 students who have drawn up and tried out the most effective egg drop plans will be attending with Mr. Mueller. Let’s hear it for the Physics classes and hope for a school win!

Monday, September 27, 2010

More opportunities for medical job shadowing!

Nursing, surgery, physical therapy, lab work...
see me in the Career Aerie ASAP. The spaces fill up fast.
Kyrstal and Nikki are already signed up nursing... don't miss out on this opportunity.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visits to Colleges being scheduled

I am currently scheduling a bus field trip to Wayne State and U of D Mercy.
These will be walking tours where we will talk with a counselor, see admissions, tutoring centers, student center, and have a chance to see a college class in action.

This is a great opportunity for you to check out college life up close.

See Mrs Mueller to sign up.

*your grades must be C or above to attend

other possible trips could include:
Oakland University
Schoolcraft College

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Check out Job Stats!

Look here to check out some stats of what jobs are hot and what might work for you...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Prom 2010

We will be creating a flickr account and loading all the candid shots I took that night (almost 300!). You can then print them or put them up on facebook. It was fun spending your Prom with all of you!

Prom was at MacRay's (on Lake St Clair). It was my first time there and lovely.

Prom was wonderful! It was beautiful - thank you to Ms. Edwards and Mr Mueller for planning such a wonderful night.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Senior awards

Congrats to all of our seniors!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Construction Day

Last week 34 of us went on a trip to Springfield Oaks County Park. We drove tractors.... ran jack hammers, and had hammering contests.

It was a lot of fun... more fun than I think we thought it was going to be. I am already looking forward to next year.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Field Trips

By: Nick Wallace

Thursday, April 28th Madison Heights high school took a field trip to a construction site were kids in high school got to do real hands on activities that real construction workers do every day. Three things I learned I learned at the construction site field trip would have to be how to drive a machines, construction safety and last semi driving.

First, right when we got to the construction site we saw big tractors and machines. First thing that came to mind was am I really going to be able to drive that by myself? I later found out that yes they do let you drive the machines. You think that driving machines and managing the machine is easy think again, people have stereotypes about construction workers that they are under educated but in fact these machines take a lot of thinking and quick decisions because one wrong move and the bucket can swing the wrong way or someone could get severally injured. One thing I remember about the bobcat is that the left joystick is used to move the crane up and down and the right joystick is used to control the bucket for dumping dirt and picking dirt up.

Second, is construction safety. That is one thing that people at the field trip did not tolerate was misbehaving and messing around by the big machinery. The lady warned us that this was our warning and any other time we would be talked to we would be asked to go back in the bus for the rest on the field trip. A few tips they gave us about safety was that when dumping the dirt from the bucket keep it close to the ground because a rock could fall from high in the air and injure somebody. Another clutch tip a man gave me was whenever around construction always wear your helmet. He said it only takes one time from something to hit you in your head or face and it could be life changing. After hearing about what happened to him when he wasn’t wearing a helmet every time I’m by heavy machinery I will always have my hard hat.

Third, semi driving. We met a guy named Jeff who was in charge of the big semi that was there and he said he drives out of state almost every week and says that hulling big stuff on a semi is not as easy as it looks. He says that when driving you always have to watch how hard your turn is and how wide your turning because you don’t want anything falling off the trailer and when turning you don’t want to hit another car. He also told us that when driving these big trucks when he goes back to his other car, it is a lot easier to park in small spots because he is used to huge trucks.

I think that going on field trips is good for students because not only is it a time for a break from school but it is an educational experience is also very fun like the last field trip. I hope by viewers reading this passage you have a better understanding on what myself and other Madison High School student participated in and hopefully you can enjoy a field trip with your peers.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Congratulations to Jenna Barbee for winning the CTE award this year for Madison High School!

She will be attending the Career and Technical Education Student Recognition Ceremony on May 4th.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Protest Posters

The US History classes are studying the Vietnam War right now and one of the assignments was to create a protest poster on one of the school rules. They are lining the North hallway right now. Great job everyone!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Schoolcraft Tour

Monday some students and I went to Schoolcraft College to have a little taste of college.
The next one planned will be a technical school... stay tuned.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring is in the air...

Career Day is on May 6th. Come dressed to impress...

Senior Mock Interviews are on May 7th.... local business people will be interviewing the seniors to make sure everyone is ready to leave high school and succeed!

The seniors that are at career Day and take part in the mock interview will be eligible to win tickets to Prom!

A Huge Thank You to all of the businesses who have agreed to be a part of our Mock Interview process, it wouldn't be possible without you.

I also wanted to say how proud I am of everyone. This week was quiet and respectful. The Juniors were serious and professional about taking the ACT and the rest of the school was quiet and helpful.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank You

Last night we had an Advisory Meeting to talk with the professionals in our community about how to work together to make our students more equipped for the work world.

I am so thankful for the support and the volunteer offers we have had and the ones that continue to pour in. People want to support our school and we will flourish in their care.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Future Health Workers

Another student is attending the lab work series at Beaumont Hospital. I have students signed up for Physical Therapy, Surgical services, Nursing and Imaging Technology. Classes are filling up fast!

This week I have been talking to classes about making sure you have things to put into a resume and this would be a wonderful thing to use.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Construction Days

We are gearing up to attend Construction days on April 28th in Davisburg.

Michigan Construction Career Days- 2010

April 27 & 28, 2010 · Springfield Oaks County Park, Oakland County, MI

Change Your World. Choose Construction.

If you are interested in a career in construction, architecture, machinery or city planning - this is for you.

Space is limited... I have over 25 already signed up and only 20 spaces left available.

It will be an all day event. We will be leaving at 7:40 a.m. and returning at 2:15 p.m.

Monday, February 15, 2010

This week is winter break.

It is time to think about what we need to do to make the rest of this school year successful.
Make sure to get exercise and sleep this week. As always, read read read. You can never read too much.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

May 6th

May 6th
: students have a half day and we will be having a career day.

You will attend all of your regular classes like it is a normal half day.

In each of your classes there will be a professional that will tell you about their career. How to get ahead - how to land a job. How to be successful.

FOR SENIORS! You must attend the career day and be professionally dressed. If you do so you will be eligible to participate in a Mock Interview on Friday May 7th and have a chance to win tickets to Prom.

USE professional language!
WEAR professional clothing!
Make us proud!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The Madison wrestling team performed well at the meet last week.

Coach Mueller wrote and asked for tickets to the State vs. Michigan wrestling meet at U of M and was able to take the team on Friday night. Sadly no pictures... but the team had a great time and got to see some college level wrestling in person.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Future Doctors, Nurses and Surgeons!!!

Calling all students interested in the medical field!

Beaumont in Royal Oak is offering Saturday classes working with medical professionals...
Hands on activities! Surgery... Nursing... Physical Therapy... different subjects are studied each Saturday. This is way to look into possible careers. There is a fee - but it will be covered through the Career Aerie.

Pauline is our first applicant and will start by attending this Saturday. Look here on the blog for her summary of the experience next week.
Click HERE to research the different subjects and see what Saturday your field is on.
You need to sign up in the Aerie ASAP!!! spaces are limited.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Be the change...

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Barack Obama

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Proposed Career Day

Right now we are working on having May 6th be the career day at the school. I am waiting for the military to confirm being able to attend.

Everyone will get a chance to see 6 different careers by attending all of their regular classes. Attendance will be taken as normal in all classes, you must attend all of your regular classes.

If you are not getting a chance to see a career you are interested in... no problem, just come to the career aerie and we will schedule you some 1 on 1 time.

For Seniors:
your attendance and behavior on this day will play a role in determining who wins the FREE tickets to prom. On Friday May 7th there will be mock interviews done the second half of the day for Seniors. The student who does well in the interview and on career day will have the chance to win the tickets to prom.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Career Fair information, resume building, job shadowing, links to help figure out where your niche is