Thursday, September 30, 2010

Physics class to compete in egg drop

This year on October 22nd Madison High School Physics students will be competing in University of Detroit – Mercy’s 20th Annual Technology Discovery Day.
Students will have an opportunity to see a variety of displays from the science and engineering students at the University. Our students will be participating in the Egg Drop.
Mr. Mueller and the class are mathematically figuring out how to make a contraption using only straws, tape, tissue and paper. Students will drop their eggs from 40 feet.
Students will also see a Chemistry Magic show and displays from companies who want to talk to students about job opportunities in the field of science and engineering.
It will be an all day event. The 30 students who have drawn up and tried out the most effective egg drop plans will be attending with Mr. Mueller. Let’s hear it for the Physics classes and hope for a school win!

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